August 22
Doug Coombs
Retired Software Engineer. Worked at LANL from 1986 to 2019. Started film photography as a kid, took up digital photography 2003. Former chair and co-chair of the Los Alamos Photography Club and the Los Alamos Adobe Users Group. Lived in Los Alamos since 1987.
Please describe your work.
Digital Photography. Landscapes and animals nationally and internationally. I have been displaying at Fuller Lodge Art Center for over a decade.
What is your approach to the creative process?
To capture the beauty of nature in the best of light in high quality digital images and post process in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

July 22
Shari Mills
Born and grew up in Los Alamos. My father was a photographer with the Lab for 30+ years. I grew up learning the basis of photography and helped him in his dark room at the house where I still live. I'm always dabbling in different art media; photography, crochet, pencil drawing, fence picket painting, stone painting, and most recently, beginning with Covid, an obsession with Mandala and dot art using acrylic paints. Hence the Instagram name Obsessive Compulsive Dotting. The Mandala or dot painting began at Elephant Butte several years ago when my husband and I were camping down there, one of our favorite places. The camp host at the time had some stones she had been painting and I was captivated. She said all I needed was some drill bits, some stones or other smooth object and some acrylic paints. As soon as we got home, I asked my husband if I could borrow his drill bits and I got out my acrylic paint. It didn't take long to become fascinated and began painting the river rocks in the front yard. After researching the subject, I found there were many things I could put the mandalas on and quickly the obsession developed. If it's not glued down, I can put dots on it. A friend recently asked me if I dreamed about dots, and I said no but I hadn't yet painted my mailbox.
What is your approach to the creative process?
Meditation has become a big part of my Mandala dot painting. It gives me a sense of peace and I'm always delighted when someone buys my work for something that is so fun to do.
How long have you had work in the Fuller Lodge Art Center Gallery Shop?
A year and a half
What other FLAC programs have you participated in?
Arts and Crafts Fairs, Gallery Exhibitions